Product Search by Linked Recipients
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Product Search by Linked Recipients

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Article summary

The Syndigo API allows searching for products that are linked to specific recipients. It was built to help limit the search results, so you receive ONLY the products linked to recipients mentioned in the request body.

To search products by linked recipients, mention the following in the postman and then click Send.


Query Parameters

Expand to see the parameters and description

Parameter  Parameter TypeData TypeAccepted ValuesDescription
Recommended (Conditionally Optional)
StringGUIDIf a valid companyId is provided, vocabularyId is not Required
companyIdRequired (Conditionally Optional)
StringGUIDIf a valid vocabularyId is provided, companyId is not Required
skipCountOptionalInteger>=0; (skipCount+takeCount)<10,000
Used in combination with takeCount to paginate large numbers of product records. Quantity of records to skip before you start taking products. Whatever value is used for the takeCount, add to skipCount for the subsequent call
Integer>= 0; Max: 500
Sets quantity of results to return at one time. Used for parsing large numbers of product records
OptionalBooleantrue/falseBased on target party id as contained in Post body, will return effective values only includes all values. Defaults to true. Ex. Using a recipient ID with useLens as true will return the product data applicable to that recipient
flattenLensedProductOptionalBooleantrue/falseAllows for flattening search results. Using this parameter you'll get only the recipient overrides.
OptionalenumISO 639-1 standard
Stores the value passed in a language specific variant. Facilitates different values in different langugages on the same attribute. Defaults to en-US.
Will determine if attributes not included in your company vocabulary will be returned in search results. Defaults to setting in customer vocabulary, else defaults to false. If set to true, attributes not in vocabulary will return with its GUID.

You can change the param values of skipCount, takeCount, vocabularyId, useLens, locale, and shouldIncludeMissingVocabularyAttributes according to your requirements.

How to search products linked to specific recipients?

In order to search products that are linked to specific recipients, please include the following:

"RecipientAliases": [

You can use recipient aliases that were mapped in your vocabulary or recipients' GUIDs.


Authorization: Specify required Auth Token in the header.

Request Parameters

Expand to see the parameters and description

Parameter  Parameter TypeData TypeAccepted ValuesDescription
OptionalStringRecipient identifier: GUID or as aliased in customer vocab
Sets the lens through which the product data is returned from search
Attribute GUID (Ex. Product Name, Date Created, etc.).
Sets return results order
Determines sort order (ascending or descending).
Array of Strings
Recipients identifiers: GUIDs or as aliased in a customer vocab
Limits the search to products explicitly linked to specific recipients.
Boolean Operator
AND/ORDefaults to AND
Determines if the search returns OnHold products or not.
Determines if the search returns Archived products or not.
EnumISO 639-1 standard
Defaults to en-US. Sets the Language to be used for search
OptionalArray of StringsProduct GUIDsList of Products to be searched
OptionalArray of Strings
Attribute GUIDsList of identifier types to be searched
Array of Strings
Identifier stringsRequired if you are using “Identifier Attributes”. Contains the list of identifiers to find.
OptionalArray of Strings
Attribute GUIDs
Returns products that has (does not have) desired attribute.
Array of Strings
Attribute GUIDs
Searches the value of attribute defined.
Part of AttributeFilters

Contains - has search val within the attribute value searched

Prefix,  - starts with this search value

Suffix,  - ends with this search value

Fuzzy,   - Similar match (fuzzy, a char might be missing in search value for example)

Search   - exact match for search value

Part of AttributeFilters
Array of Strings
See example, includes:
Name, Operator, Value, IncludeMissing
Array (see example). Searched date field and defined.
RequiredEnumCreatedDate, RecordDate   LastModifiedDate, DiscontinueDate, ObsolescenceDate, LastPublishedDate
Part of DateFilter
OperatorRequiredEnumLessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo
Part of DateFilter
ValueRequiredStringCommonly acceptable string representation of a date/timePart of DateFilter
IncludeMissingRequiredBooleantrue/falsePart of DateFilter
OptionalArray of Strings
Workflow, Statuses []Contains an array including “Workflow” name and “Statuses” as defined for the customer workflow.
Workflow RequiredStringWorkflow names as aliased in Customer VocabPart of WorkflowFilters
RequiredArray of StringsStatuses names as aliased in Customer Vocab
Part of WorkflowFilters
EnumUndefined, BaseUnit, Case, Pallet, Display, Pack, Load, SetPack, MixedModule, MultiPack, PrePack, PrePack_Assortment
Used primarily for GDSN package hierarchy
StringProduct GUIDs
List of products to be excluded


    "TargetPartyAlias": "",  
    "OrderBy": "GTIN",
    "Desc": false,
    "AttributeFilterOperator": "And",
    "AttributeFilters": [],
    "Archived": false,
    "OnHold": false,
    "DataOwner": "{{companyId}}",
    "DateFilters": [
            "Name": "DiscontinueDate",
            "Operator": "GreaterThan",
            "Value": "2023-03-15T01:01:01.000",
            "IncludeMissing": true
    "RecipientAliases" : [
        "Amazon US",

Response 200 OK

    "ErrorMode": "Fail",
    "DefaultLocale": "en-US",
    "ProducingOperationDetails": {
        "TotalHitCount": 22,
        "ResultCount": 2
    "ProductImportData": {
        "ProductsToImport": [
                "ImportMode": "Update",
                "ProductIdentifierPropertyOverride": "",
                "ProductReferencePropertyOverride": "",
                "ProductIdentifierValue": "b897a20c-8ec8-4c5b-be19-c2d2ca904c54",
                "SourceParties": [],
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                "CatalogItems": [],
                "PackageType": "BaseUnit",
                "ImmediateParentDetails": {},
                "RecipientsToLink": [
                    "Amazon US"
                "RecipientsRequirementSets": {
                    "Amazon US": [
                        "Amazon Listing 2.0"
                "ComplexValues": [],
                "NutritionalInformationModule": {
                    "Values": [],
                    "MultiValues": [],
                    "ContainerValues": [],
                    "AssetValues": [],
                    "DocumentValues": [],
                    "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                "LifeCycle": {
                    "CreatedDate": {
                        "Value": "2022-11-02T20:10:41.17888Z",
                        "Delete": false
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                    "CreatedDate": "2022-11-02T20:10:41.1788878Z",
                    "LastModifiedDate": "2024-04-16T12:51:20.7421951Z"
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                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "00000000000001"
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                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "Product Name",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "Old Croc Cheese"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "Packaging Level",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "Short Description",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "Product Name Value goes here"
                        "SourceParty": "",
                        "Recipient": "",
                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                        "Name": "Functional Name",
                        "ValuesByLocale": {
                            "en-US": "zzz Product Name Value goes here"
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                        "Recipient": "",
                        "Delete": false,
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                                "Name": "OLD CROC.png",
                                "Url": "",
                                "Format": "png"
                        "SourceParty": "",
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                        "Delete": false,
                        "IsExplicitNullValue": false
                "IsExplicitNullValue": false
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                "SourceParties": [],
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                        "Amazon Listing 2.0"
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                        "Delete": false,
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                    "Values": [],
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