Product Search and Retrieve
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Product Search and Retrieve

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Article summary

You can search products by using different variance of basic data available to you such as date, IDs, and attributes.

The Platform offers a variety of Search APIs for various circumstances, allowing you to carry out the necessary Search operations.


Make sure to use a unique identifier type to avoid having duplicated products in a response payload. The identifier must be unique so you can search for specified products.

If the products don't have a unique identifier, please create a simple attribute that will help identify items.

To run a set of APIs inside the collection, click
Run in Postman


  • Use shouldIncludeMissingVocabularyAttributes=true to see attributes that are not mapped in the customer vocab file.
  • To view actual identifiers in an attribute "ProductIdentifierValue" or for a packaging hierarchy "ImmediateParentDetails":{}, please make sure the attribute "ProductIdentifierProperty": "" is set to your desired identifier type e.g. GTIN, UPC in a vocabulary.
  • To see Recipient Overrides returned in product search, set shouldIncludeMissingVocabularyAttributes=true and useLens=false.
  • Due to limitations of elastic search engine keep the number of searched products below 10 000. Search results that yield counts >10,000 products should be filtered to be <10,000. Typically using date ranges to limit this allows for this ability in a clear manner.

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